Thursday, 18 April 2013

A World without Macroeconomists - My Reply

Recently I came across a blog post by Noapinion. Here it is:

First of all I would like to say that the Noapinion blog is generally very good. I have it on my blog list and I would recommend following it if you have a chance.

The blog post makes the claim that macroeconomists are required since the alternative would essentially gives decision making to "dangerous people".  Who exactly these people are remains unclear. I presume he means policy makers without any economic training.

In my opinion I feel that he misses an obvious point and this applies to all economists to some degree. Economists engage in the study of human affairs. Most ( almost all) academic economists have absolutely no experience in the real working world. In other words they possess no direct experience in human affairs. They are going about advising policy makers on economic matters without ever really worked in either business, labour or government. Well Ok, maybe they have some experience in governement. It is like virgins giving advise on sex. It is a dangerous situation to say the least. The solution is of course to bring mandatory work periods with state licensing requirements. Similiar to medicine where direct work experience is a mandatory requirement before a doctor can practice.

Of course there are problems with macroeconomists but I will leave that for another post.

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